Sometimes life takes very unexpected turns and that certainly feels like where we are at the moment. From one week to the next we’re not sure what’s going to happen and if we can come out of this with all of our loved ones still there and still healthy, well that feels like a good place to be.
But at the same time, life doesn’t stop. There is home schooling to deliver, meals to cook, families to nourish , exercise to try and fit in in order to maintain required levels of sanity and work still to do and it can feel like a huge and unwieldy juggling act. In our house we’ve been taking turns between earning a living and being the teacher (hats off to any actual teachers out there – you deserve every single penny you earn!)
When we’re working we’re shut away upstairs, that is until today. Today I needed to feel the sun on my face but I also needed to do my work – to keep going, to have some routine and order and to earn some money. The solution? A table, chair and my laptop set up in the Summerhouse (shed!) with the doors flung wide and the sun streaming in. And it’s enough. To feel the sun, to look at the garden, to remember that it’s Spring out there and that life carries on and will be waiting for us on the other side of this. To take a moment with my face turned towards the warmth and feel grateful that I have family around me, a roof over my head and the sun on my face and for today, that’s enough.